Eye floater is a symptom where substances such as black spots, flying bugs, or cobwebs are seen even though there is nothing in front of you. These floaters can be seen better when staring at a clear sky or white wall. They are difficult to trace because floaters follow the same direction of the eyes.About 80 to 90% of floater symptoms are physiologic floater symptoms caused by vitreous floaters without any specific causing disease, but the remaining 10 to 20% are caused by serious ocular diseases. If you have experienced any floater symptom recently, you need to have an examination at an ophthalmic clinic.Even if you had physiologic floater symptoms before, a reexamination is required if the number of floaters increased recently.Although taking drawings of your floaters to the ophthalmic clinic is not a requirement, presenting floater drawings will help the doctor determinate the course of examination and treatment.This app allows you to draw and save shapes of floaters and compare them with previous drawings. These drawings can further help your ophthalmologist to treat you.